Make a Google Doc

In Google Mail, click on the menu tab "Documents"

in the upper left of your screen click the red button "Create" and select "Document"

when your new document is created - in the upper left click on the text "Untitled Document"

Type your new title "your name: Roy Lichtenstein"

Now in your document type the title "Pop Art: Roy Lichtenstein"

Now paste the text you copied from the website

Next write your comment about that text;
1. what is it saying?
2. if you agree - why?
3. if you disagree - why?
4. add a comment that could extend what they've said - it could be different to what they've said or similar

now paste the image of the painting
type the details of the painting; title, size, media, date, location,

now paste the text from the section of the article your copied

1. what is it saying?
2. if you agree - why?
3. if you disagree - why?
4. add a comment that could extend what they've said - it could be different to what they've said or similar

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